by Westley Holdsworth

Fresh Talent: Will Saunders

by Westley Holdsworth

Fresh Talent: Will Saunders

Will Saunders, formally of Auckland trio The Quick And The Dead has been toiling away on his own ‘odd folk psych’ solo project since August. He previously spent time amongst the smoky streets of London and whilst there says he learnt some important truths about making music.

“Enjoy what you do musically with good souls. It was a fun time, jamming and singing in bands, then forming my own and playing with good friends Atif, Jamie and Martin in Siren. We were only around for a while but we never changed what we did. Thank God, as bandwagons travel quickly in London.”

It’s true that London is fickle, but it does present opportunities otherwise out of reach and also a chance to grow as a musician.

“I have a great memory of supporting a fledgling Hot Chip. Alexis (Taylor) taught me to do whatever you want, and not compromise. Smart dude.”

Having been ‘home’ for a while now, Saunders can reflect on some of the differences to being UK-based.

“It’s much nicer in Auckland I think… no snow for starters! It’s hard to get your head around just how many venues and bands there are there in London. You have to sign contracts and everything to play. I still think what happens here is much more interesting simply because music doesn’t necessarily require hanging around so many elitist feebs swanning about dissing others, while smoking crack themselves.”

Saunders, who also has a new band called Bearhat, has recently been picked up by Deadboy Records – home to the likes of Outsiders, Leeches and In Dread Response. Has addition represents the metal-edged label beginning to spread its wings and explore new sonic territories. This partnership was simply born through a mutual love of music.

“I met Angelo Munro (head-honcho at Deadboy Records being the keen-eared sound hound that he is) through common, far-reaching musical interests and familiar friends, and we‘re both all about energy and melody, whatever supposed genre it may be… ‘Deadboy Records sees where others are blind’. Mad respect.

Photo by Luke Urquhart