


Auckland Council Launches Auckland City of Music Strategy

Auckland Council Launches Auckland City of Music Strategy

Auckland was granted status as a UNESCO City of Music in January this year and the Auckland Council has today launched its strategy as Auckland City of Music (ACOM), for Auckland as a member of the UNESCO Creative City Network (UCCN).

The idea of making an application to UNESCO was originally promoted to Council by Recorded Music NZ and APRA AMCOS, and the action plant that builds on the successful application has been endorsed by key music industry and creative sector stakeholders.

To deliver on the action plan, projects will be developed with the aim of strengthening and leveraging existing enterprises, and providing an opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute to Auckland’s success as a music city.

The addition of Auckland brings the current Cities of Music to 31 worldwide. Benefits promoted by the UCCN of belonging to the network include strengthened strategic cooperation between international cities and support for creativity as an essential component of urban growth through public-private partnerships, as well as the integration of culture and creativity into strategies and plans.

According to the UCCN, other benefits comprise reinforcing all aspects of music production and distribution, allowing for the development of innovation hubs, broadening opportunities for professionals in the music sector, and dramatically improving access for everyone to (and participation in) musical life.

Though-titled ‘Auckland Music Strategy, Te Rautaki Puoro o Tāmaki Makaurau, 2018 – 2021’ the strategy ‘aims to strengthen and improve our creative city far into the future’.

The summary of actions reads as follows:

  1. Strengthening the music ecosystem
    – Promoting the vital role of grassroots venues
    – A specialised skilled workforce
    – Help to grow sustainable creative communities
    – Develop creative launchpads and incubator hubs
  2. Collaborate with UCCN cities
  3. Champion Māori music on a world stage
  4. Supporting music and creative networks in the Pacific region
  5. Promote the use of music in public spaces
  6. Value and preserve our music heritage.

The actions lightly sketched within the framework are focused on generating projects that are best able to meet the outcomes and objectives for Auckland’s success as a City of Music over the next four years and serve as a starting point for further discussion and ideas.

They include three with a local focus and three with an international focus. At least one of each of the local and international initiatives is required to crosscut with other creative disciplines in the UCCN network.

The City of Music will also align with and complement Toi Whītiki, Auckland’s Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan.

Download Auckland Music Strategy Te Rautaki Puoro o Tāmaki Makaurau 2018 – 2021 here

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