Apply For Sound Art Residency 2023

Apply For Sound Art Residency 2023

Musicians are invited to apply for the Sound Art Residency 2023 based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.

The candidate will have access to the Lilburn Studios and Sonic Arts Lab at NZSM, along with other equipment and resources depending on the nature of the work undertaken and subject to the availability of these resources.

Toi Pōneke will provide the candidate with a studio space to work and the gallery space for a 3-week exhibition. The successful candidate will also be provided logistical and technical support, and assistance with publicising activities associated with the residency.

The successful candidate will be provided with a $10,000 stipend to help support them during their 12-week programme. 

The deadline is June 30 – find out more here.

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