Reviewed by Charlotte Crone

The Nukes: III

Reviewed by Charlotte Crone

The Nukes: III

Hard to believe this is the workings of a humble ukulele trio. Indeed The Nukes Dave ‘Fingers of Fire’ Parker, Dave ‘Snapper’ Thiele, Ben ‘Country Boy’ Collier are joined at different times on this collection of sing-a-long ditties by an entourage of masterful fellow instrumentalists, showing the bandmates’ extensive connections throughout a range of musical genres.

The album includes such instruments as trombone, trumpet and flugelhorn (Nick van Dijk), rinky-dink piano (Dale Jellyman), drums, Fender Rhodes, percussion, cutesy xylophone, fretless bass (Thomas Voyce), pedal steel (Ben Franz), fiddle (James Hill), banjo, electric guitar and even sitar care of Gerry Paul.

Arrangements are credited to Voyce, who presumably worked alongside The Nukes, bringing the colourful combo of instruments listed above to combine as the delight of sounds in each track.

The songs are jaunty and instantly catchy, with quirky lyrics.

There’s three-part vocal harmonies with Snapper’s Tom Waits’ gravelly quality coming through for a few solo lines.

Kids’ track Salad Dragon talks about a friendly dragon who “coughs up coleslaw” instead of breathing fire.

These experienced Auckland entertainers are festival favourites and played on the family car stereo this will get the whole lot singing along. 

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