Like attracts like. That's what the Abraham-Hicks' Law of Attraction is all about. Their teachings can feel very pertinent and applicable to singing and songwriting. ...MORE
Like attracts like. That's what the Abraham-Hicks' Law Of Attraction is all about. Their teachings can feel very pertinent ...
‘Finding your voice' is just as much about what you're saying or singing, as what you sound like. I'd like to unpack the ...
Something profoundly shifted when I underwent tongue surgery – in the aftermath, I found my voice. The surgeon had told ...
Do what moves you. Tension is a singer's greatest enemy. It disables the very areas of the body we need open to resonate ...
Singing Through ’The Change’: The Effect Menopause Has On The Voice - After the 21st gig of a 22-date tour, I stayed ...
The case for creative high-performance psychology. In the merry Music Month of May 2021, Brave Caitlin Smith’s Imaginary ...
As a singer our body is our instrument. We must be entirely sovereign over how we take care of our inner landscape. If the ...
Dog whimpers and raspberry sirens: Ways to rebuild the voice from nodules. Late in 2019, Cailtin Smith was diagnosed with ...