Te Māngai Pāho Māori Music Strategy Consultations Underway

Te Māngai Pāho Māori Music Strategy Consultations Underway

While RNZ finds itself in the middle of a bunfight over the future of Concert FM, Te Māngai Pāho has begun consultation on the development of its National Māori Music Strategy.

A series of nine hui are taking place across the country, having kicked off in New Plymouth on January 29.

Te Māngai Pāho Head of Content, Te Anga Nathan and Music Co-ordinator, Nadia Marsh will visit most of the sites in the North Island and two in the South Island.

“We want to reshape our funding of te reo Māori music and come up with a strategy that creates the right environment and support for our artists to share te reo Māori music with the world,” says Mr Nathan.

The consultation document and feedback survey are online now. If you would like to attend one of the remaining kanohi ki te kanohi hui, you should email Nadia.

The remaining hui locations and times are:

  • Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) Mon 10 Feb 2020, 6pm
  • Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) Tues 11 Feb 2020, 2pm
  • Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) Wed 12 Feb 2020, 2pm
  • Whangārei Thurs 13 Feb 2020, 12:30pm
  • Ōtepoti (Dunedin) Thurs 20 Feb, 2020, 12:30pm
  • Ōtautahi (Christchurch) Friday 21 Feb, 2020, 9:30am