


by Silke Hartung

New Music Single Funding December 2016

by Silke Hartung

New Music Single Funding December 2016

NZ On Air Music has published the results of the New Music Singles Funding December 2016 round.

There were 159 applications in the last round of the year, and the following 23 were picked by the panel:

december new music singles

The December panel consisted of George FM‘s Aroha Harawira, journalist and teacher Graham Reid, NZOA’s own Jeff Newton, producer Nic Manders and ZM‘s Rod Maldon.

nzoa december panel

The team at NZOA would like to remind you that they’re about to take some time off for Christmas.

“Our last payments for 2016 will be on Thursday 15th December with paperwork due by Monday 12th December. Our first payments for 2017 will be on Thursday 12th of January with paperwork due on Monday 9th January.”

The next New Music Singles funding round closes on February 10. You can apply here.

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