Research Survey For Local Musicians & Promoters

Research Survey For Local Musicians & Promoters

AUT student Ian Lee, who Auckland audiences might know from local punk shows as “the only other Chinese guy” (according to Lee himself), needs help for his academic research on band touring in NZ. If you’re a musician or promoter, please keep reading.

Here are links to the surveys – any help would be greatly appreciated!

Survey for Promoters

Survey for Artists

Ian is also looking for participants for his focus group in mid-April. Here is some more info:

“My name is Ian Lee and I am currently a Master student at the School of Communication Studies, Auckland University of Technology (AUT). I’m researching the various touring experiences of bands, musicians, artists and promoters, with the aim to understand how especially start-up bands /musicians /artists would like to see their tours managed.

The objective of this study is to help improve the management of touring.

I am looking for bands, musicians, artists and promoters who are willing to share their experiences.

If you are playing in a band, or you are a musician or a promoter, I would like to invite you to participate in a focus group that I will be running on Tuesday April 17 in Auckland.

The focus group will take place at AUT and all data gathered during the focus group will be confidential and only be used for the purpose of research. The research and this survey are approved by AUT’s Ethics Committee, with ethics approval number 18/111.

Should you have any questions regarding the study, I can be reached at

Thank you all!”

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