ACOM Skills Discovery Workshops

ACOM Skills Discovery Workshops

The Skills Discovery Workshop is a collaboration between Auckland City of Music, UK training provider CLOCK and Auckland education provider SAE Creative Media Institute. The workshops have previously been run in Melbourne by the Victorian Music Development Office and have now come to Auckland.

The CLOCK Skills Discovery Workshop is suitable for anyone at any stage of their career, whether you work in the Auckland music community as an employee, freelancer, volunteer, trainee, intern, senior manager, or entrepreneur. There are two workshop session times per day, each limited to 12 participants ands costing $250 per person.

In the 3-hour Skills Discovery Workshop the team of CLOCK mentors will help you to: Uncover your sector-specific and transferable skills. Recognise, appreciate, and value all the skills you have learned and developed in any context. Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths and use that insight to move forward with your creative projects and ideas with renewed confidence and belief.

Venue: SAE Creative Media Institute, 12 Heather Street, Parnell, Auckland
Dates: Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February
Book your place in a workshop here.