Reviewed by Violet French

Where You Wig Out: Where You Wig Out

Reviewed by Violet French

Where You Wig Out: Where You Wig Out

‘ Where You Wig Out ‘ is the bold debut album from the Tāmaki Makaurau band, of the same name.

Where You Wig Out class themselves as an alternative, indie, garage-rock band, and in some respects that’s an appropriate label. However, if you’re looking for something more reminiscent of the raw and energetic feel of The Sonics, The Mummies or even NZ’s very own Cavemen – this is not that garage rock band. Where You Wig Out are more of your Uncle Waynes’ garage-party-band, and that’s OK! They’re certainly an alternative to most music currently coming out of Aotearoa (this listener has never heard anything quite like it) and is a timely reminder of how diverse music and artistic expression can be! 

This album has obviously been made by a group of people who are big fans of music. Brendan ‘The Bringer of Beers’ on Vocals, ‘Glassy’ Noel on guitar, Mr Mouse Mouse on bass, and Dingle on drums. If WYWO’s Facebook is to be believed, Jimmy and Ukelele Mike have either been ousted from the group, or their energies spent on piano/keys. However, this is not a musicians album…

If you have a soft spot for bourbon and cola, rock music, and are not easily offended, then this might just be the homegrown hit for you! WYWO are clear fans of Nirvana, Brendan (the bringer of beers) often emulating Cobains’ vocal style (albeit with less power). The song Monoreject bears a striking resemblance to the mega-hit Kryptonite by the iconic Three Doors Down.  There are many moments on this album that take us on a journey through 90’s Britpop, early-2000s rock anthems, with delicate notes of Coldplay, early Red Hot Chili Peppers, and that song Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm [by the Crash Test Dummies]. 

This album isn’t all hard-rocking and partying though, there are tender moments! All you ladies out there, listen carefully…

“I’m here to make your life/ keep you safe in my company/ make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the room/ and then I’ll get you naked”. 

WYWO appear have written these songs during last year or so, and there are elements to it which you could be forgiving of its’ “lockdown album” energy. On initial listen, WYWO certainly gave the impression that it had emerged from somebody’s home (or rather garage) studio, utilising clever technologies (like Garageband), adventurous mixing, and a dedicated one-man directive. However, as you progress through the tracks, you’re treated to snippets of laughter and the warmth that comes from band banter, lovely! 

Now, if you were unsure as to where it was exactly, that you yourself wig out, give this album a listen, you might just find it. But in the tender, and considered, words of the Brendan the Bringer of Beers; 

“Wiggin’ out/WOOOOOO”.

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