Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Bunnies On Ponies: Heat Death Of The Universe

Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Bunnies On Ponies: Heat Death Of The Universe

When Samuel Flynn Scott was recovering from a back injury, all he wanted to do was listen to the music of his youth; Nirvana, Weezer and The Breeders. This immersion in American alt-rock led to the creation (with bassist Tom Callwood and drummer/vocalist Craig Terris) of this new album. The trio recorded it in just a couple of weeks with Lee Prebble at The Surgery, before The Phoenix Foundation duties again called.

The influence of grunge and alt-rock have seeped into ‘Heat Death Of The Universe’, and the Pixies-esque Straight Up Jerk creates a sonic point of reference. The album is still firmly rooted with Scott’s keen sense of melody and pop-smarts, which illuminate the beautiful Spectrum, the spatial Safe In Sound, and the indie dance-pop of Bored Out Of My Brains. There are inevitable sonic similarities with Scott and Callwood’s other band, Destination Newtown Park Flats brings TPF’s Dalston Junction to mind with its semi-spoken word lyrics and dry humour. Bunnies on Ponies have made an outstanding, upbeat alt-rock album – a very welcome anomaly in the current scene, and a record I will readily return to.

Heat Death Of The Universe by Bunnies On Ponies