Reviewed by Olly Clifton

Esoligh: Walking Up EP

Reviewed by Olly Clifton

Esoligh: Walking Up EP

Following the 2014 album, ‘The Way I See The World’, Esoligh (aka David Patterson)’s new EP opens with a mystical Scottish-accented figure’s message to the hip hop artist – thanking Esoligh for bringing, “Honesty and positive vibes to the world,” – setting the tone and indicating ‘Walking Up’ is not to be taken too seriously. Laid Back kicks things off with some lively hip hop. MPC style one-shot sampling and boom-bap beats are a common theme throughout the six tracks and call back to the genre’s early ’90s sound. This is particularly present on Manic Obsession, using a hard rock guitar sample, reminiscent of Beastie Boys/Run DMC tracks. The lyricism plays out in a similar vein with the opening hook, “To the break of dawn, it’s on” referencing classic hip hop ideas. Some tracks dabble in NZ life and politics, in a manner similar to early Home Brew efforts. Where this album mainly succeeds however is in its unique well-being centred lyrics, Esoligh stands apart from the crowd when he engages in discussion around staying positive and the tribulations of leading a good life. This isn’t particularly groundbreaking, but it doesn’t seem that was this record’s intention. It’s a snapshot of a time in a life, and is best when it keeps things simple and plays to its reflective strengths.

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