Simple ways to harmonise guitar parts: The concept of instrumental harmonising is certainly not new, it has been a compositional ...
How to slay destination fixation and tame the fear-feeding beast of rejection: We've all learned that you need to have a ...
An exercise for both hands with some sight reading thrown in! Over the last few NZM issues, we’ve been looking at building ...
Hans Pucket 's No Drama - an intelligent song. Intelligence comes in many forms, and with regards to music in particular, ...
Something profoundly shifted when I underwent tongue surgery – in the aftermath, I found my voice. The surgeon had told ...
Social Media Sucks. It sucks your time, it sucks your energy, and it can suck all the fun out of being an independent musician ...
Do what moves you. Tension is a singer's greatest enemy. It disables the very areas of the body we need open to resonate ...
I'm not quite sure why but Kimbra hasn't really been on my radar before. We primarily listen to music to be moved emotionally, ...
Popular learning mistakes - there are a few that guitar players commonly make that can quickly become habits, but are easily ...