One is a reserved Kiwi engineer/mixer/drummer with a growing reputation here and overseas. The other has the kind of non-stop ...
READ MORE >06/05/2008
Since the 2006 release of their debut album ‘Awake At Dawn’ dDub have toured NZ six times and visited Australia thrice, ...
READ MORE >09/07/2006
Released in 1994, ‘Te Kū Te Whē’ by Hirini Melbourne and Richard Nunns was an album Rattle Records initially thought ...
READ MORE >07/07/2006
Rattle Records was established in 1992 by three friends - lovers of European jazz, contemporary classical and world music. ...
READ MORE >09/06/2006
'Awake At Dawn' is the name Auckland six-piece dDub have given their long awaited first album. It is a milestone for the ...
READ MORE >01/01/2004
Ask just about any reasonably well-informed New Zealander between 45 and 80 what they know about Peter Posa, and chances ...
READ MORE >01/04/2003
The debut 'Release' from Auckland dance duo House of Downtown was hailed as the album that would put New Zealand house music ...
READ MORE >09/07/2001
For three years Auckland’s House of Downtown have been engineering themselves a reputation of creative dance floor excellence. ...
READ MORE >05/01/2001
For the release of his third album ‘Permanence’, Paul McLaney has adopted digital recording and the identity of Gramsci. ...