New Music Single Funding March 2017

New Music Single Funding March 2017

NZ On Air Music has announced the recipients of their New Music Single Funding for March 2017.

The panel of seven music industry judges picked 22 out of 134 applications for the first funding round of 2017. The songs and videos will be released in the coming months.

newmusic single march 2017

On the panel this time were NZ Musician’s own Richard ThorneGemma Syme of RDU in Christchurch, Jeff Newton of NZ On Air, sound engineer and producer Olly Harmer of The Lab, Mai FM‘s Phil Bell aka DJ Sir-Vere, Dan Woolston of Sniffers/Red Bull and publicist J9 Russell.

The next New Music Singles funding round closes on April 28. You can apply here.

nzoa march 2017 panel


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