' Vanilla chords ' is a term used in the jazz guitar world which essentially means you need to reduce the chord progression ...
READ MORE >21/04/2014
Continuing last issue's theme of music as a language, this time lets consider an improvised solo as being like a short story. ...
READ MORE >21/01/2014
It's that time of year again, so I thought I'd arrange a Christmas song for solo jazz guitar. I've put the arrangement ...
READ MORE >28/08/2013
This article is about soloing from the melody. As guitar players there can be a tendency to know the chords to a song, but ...
READ MORE >03/07/2013
After a couple of detours in recent NZM issues, it's time to think about notes again. Our focus is on how to bring out ...
READ MORE >24/04/2013
This article is not about learning lots of new chord shapes. For that, you could check out any number of books – Jon Damian's ...