by Silke Hartung

New Music Single Funding October 2016

by Silke Hartung

New Music Single Funding October 2016

NZ On Air Music has published the results of the New Music Singles Funding October 2016 round.

The team at NZOA say they were “were blown away” by the large number of applications they received – there were 176 this time.

Funding October 2016

The projects that will receive funding are:


On the panel for this round were Deane Simmonds of CHART, Base FM‘s Dylan Chase, Hale Speedy of More FM, NZOA’s Jeff Newton, Massey University lecturer Nicky HarropSavina Kim  of IGNITE and Auckland Live, and Victoria Kelly of APRA.

making tracks october 2016 panel


The next New Music Singles funding round is the last for 2016 and closes on Friday November 11. You can apply here.

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