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Delaney Davidson Next Artist In Residency At Massey

Delaney Davidson Next Artist In Residency At Massey

Delaney Davidson has been invited to be Artist In Residence at Massey University‘s Te Rewa O Puanga, the School of Music and Creative Media Production, during 2022 and 2023.

This position follows on from his highly successful work at Massey Studios as part of the Matairangi Mahi Toi residency with Jol Mulholland on Troy Kingi’s album ‘Black Sea Golden Ladder’ that won them the 2021 Tūī for Best Producer.

“I am hugely honoured to receive this invitation and really excited to think of what will happen during this year. I am also very proud when I look at the artists who have agreed to be part of this work with me.

“Live music is trying to find its feet on a floor that never stands still, and international travel has become a cautious memory. The things that once held my career together seem all but impossible to hold onto. This residency is a chance to create work that will survive beyond this crisis.”

Delaney’s focus during his residency will be to build a stronger national identity, forge visible bonds between Māori and Pakeha, explore multi-disciplinary collaborative projects with a strong emphasis on music as well as incorporate graphic design, film, photography, painting and performance.

Projects currently planned for the residency are

  • Graphic propaganda with former Massey Activist in Residence Tame Iti
  • Another ‘Sad But True’ album with Marlon Williams
  • An album of waiata in te reo Māori with Anika Moa
  • Instigating trance ritual to examine first-generation immigration and missing whakapapa with Dr Karl Steven
  • An exploration of Shayne Carter’s work ‘I Know Not Where I Stand’
  • A te reo Māori verison of Troy Kingi’s album ‘Black Sea Golden Ladder’.