Creative Careers Service Launched

Creative Careers Service Launched

The Government has this week announced the Creative Careers Service, a dual partnered programme, with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) combining to drive a pilot that’s now accepting participants in four regions.

You may be eligible if you…

  • Live in the pilot scheme areas of Auckland, Waikato, or Nelson.
  • Are aged between 18-64 years. 
  • Have a recognised creative qualification or relevant experience in a creative field. 

This eligibility includes established creatives, those working in the sector who have been affected by Covid-19, and recent graduates from tertiary education in a creative field looking for a job or self-employment in the creative sector. You may or may not be receiving Work and Income payments.

While there are plenty of recognised tools for those already established in their careers like MCH’s Cultural Capability Fund and PANNZ Arts Market, this is about rectifying a gap at the entry-level and acknowledging careers affected by Covid.

The service aims to provide the missing link for many entering or finding their feet in the creative sector, ie. non-creative skills.

Among those that will be on offer:

  • Planning, budgeting and tax
  • Contract negotiation
  • Writing successful funding grants and access opportunities
  • CV or portfolio creation 
  • Networking skills and developing opportunities for collaboration and employment
  • Marketing and promoting yourself 

With $4 million in funding set aside for the first two financial years, the aim is to positively impact 1000 creative careers through five contracted providers.

What is Creative Careers Service?

Not unlike the discontinued Pathways to Arts and Cultural Experience (PACE), the Creative Careers Service will support people to pursue their creative ambitions, and to attain, retain or regain employment without needing to go onto a benefit.

It’s not just targeting MSD clients, Creative Careers is also part post-pandemic response, part post-tertiary education support.

Who provides the CCS?