Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Huia: Āio EP

Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Huia: Āio EP

Huia Hamon has been making music for at least decade. Likely familiar to festival-goers, she is a bilingual performer – her first recording foray putting Te Reo Māori over drum & bass which didn’t really get due recognition at that time.

The beautiful five-track EP (with bonus single mix) is entirely conscious Te Reo over fat and lush electronic beats and beds, organic percussion, smooth harmonies.

The lyrics are themed around peace, knowledge, self-reflection, and of course, how we treat the earth. The title Āio track means ‘to be at peace’, especially in relation to how we connect with our physical world.

Tu TuiaWeave (going out into the world, but returning to your culture and maunga should you lose your way). Tuauri – Indigo (a safe space of love). Tohunga – the revered. And Ngakau Ruwha – a waiata about mental health and looking after yourself, and consulting your own “life book”.

Having the singing in Te Reo is absolutely no barrier to non-Maori-listeners getting into the down-to-earth vibe of this gorgeous, gentle, fresh-sounding release. Warm, smooth, modern musically and lyrically. A true gift to the world.