by Silke Hartung

NewTracks New Artist: Emerson

by Silke Hartung

NewTracks New Artist: Emerson

Tāmaki Makaurau artist Emma Wagner has previously featured on with her Rockquest 2023-winning band Parkdale and regional winners Fan Club. This year she took another meaningful step towards a professional music career, placing first in the 2024 SFRQ solo/duo category as solo performer Emerson. One of the songs she performed, Bored, has already been released as a single that featured on NZ On Air Music‘s October NewTracks compilation. 

What is your name, what are your pronouns, where are you from and what instruments do you play?

My name is Emma Wagner (she/her) and I’m from Tāmaki Makaurau. I play guitar, piano, bass, and I sing.

Was any high school or other music training especially important to you?

I’ve been in choirs, talent shows, and productions since primary school (shout out to Michelle Sadgrove at Arahoe Primary), and I started performing in bands in intermediate (shout out to Ms. Cullen at Ponsonby Intermediate). My main focus back then was musical theatre, and I worked on productions across Auckland with Kids 4 Drama, NYT, Stage Antics, Encore, and Junior Theatre NZ. This led me to focus more and more on my voice.

I eventually took up private vocal training with Cherie Moore in my first year of high school. Consistent singing lessons over the past few years really helped me train my voice to use it with ease and complexity. I also worked with Joe Lonie on guitar and bass in the development of my first band, Fan Club, which was especially important to me. Joe is a legend and really great at getting bands off the ground. In Year 10 I was in the Lynfield College Music Academy, where I played bass and began doing Rockquest and writing songs for Play It Strange competitions. My band later joined Lila School of Bands, where I was mentored as both a band and solo artist.

Any other projects that we might know you from?

I’m better known for my indie-rock bands, Fan Club who just released our debut EP ‘Towards The Sun’, and Parkdale who won Rockquest last year.

How has your writing evolved from your beginnings in songwriting to now?

I started writing music three years ago (quite reluctantly) and I didn’t think I was very good at it – I kinda hated it, to be honest. But once my band Fan Club wrote our first song, Never Ever, and then got to record it through Play It Strange when it became a finalist for their Youthtown competition, things changed. Credit to Play It Strange for getting us started! We then wrote and recorded more songs.

Last year, I really picked up the pace with songwriting as my passion for it grew. I started writing at home, experimenting with new ideas, genres and ways to write outside a 4-piece rock band. In September 2023 I wrote a bunch of songs, including Bored, my debut release. In December, I met producer Eli Le Fevre, and we really clicked. He helped me produce more demos for several songs, helping me establish my sound. I’m now working with different producers with this same collaborative process, which I really enjoy. I still write with my bands as well.

What’s the background story of how Emerson came to be? 

My solo career was sparked by Jesse Sheehan (Lila School of Bands), who put me forward for an NZ On Air Artist Development grant. This allowed me to collaborate with established songwriters to create a few demos. I got to write songs with Jesse, Bella Rafflyn (Coast Arcade), Tom Chamberlain (Park Road) and Rodney Fisher (Goodshirt). After working with Bella on Sedate (which is the feature track on ‘Toward the Sun’), I was hooked. Working with other songwriters – especially more experienced ones – was really fun. Bella also showed me how to balance both band and solo work, which inspired me to start my own solo project. So, with help from Jesse and Bella, I began in early 2024.

This year is also my last year of high school, so Rockquest provided a great opportunity to launch my live act. I wanted to include backing vocals and synths, so I decided to use backing tracks and enter Rockquest as a soloist with my songs Bored, Useless, and Journey. I also submitted Carry Me Home From the Car and Only Girl to the Play It Strange Peace Song and Lion Foundation Competitions, and I was thrilled to be a national finalist in all three.

My vision for Emerson goes beyond just a singer-songwriter solo project. I was determined to have a backing band to play with backing tracks and harmonies (a big part of my sound). It was too late to get everything together for Rockquest, but when Bella Rafflyn asked me to open for her at The Tuning Fork in August, I was determined to make it happen. I quickly put together a backing band with Liam Beasley on guitar and Elliott Borland on drums. They learned all the songs, figured out how to play with in-ears, and tackled a challenging technical setup in under six weeks! They, along with Eli and Andrew Isdale who helped with backing tracks for the additional songs, were superstars. We’re now booking festivals – it’s crazy!

How did you come up with the name for the project?

I always knew that if I started a solo project, I wouldn’t go by my real name, Emma Wagner. I brainstormed a few ideas, but nothing really stuck. Then one day, my friends and I were joking around about nicknames, and I told them my real name was Emerson, and I just go by Emma. They didn’t really believe me, but some of them started calling me Emerson occasionally, and I started to really like the name. So, I decided it would be my stage name – and I’ve never looked back!

Aside from this release, what’s been the big highlight to date?

A big highlight was the National Finals of Smokefree Rockquest. Meeting other musicians my age from all around Aotearoa was amazing – I felt completely in my element. The Rockquest team was so kind and patient, making everything run smoothly during my performance. I learned so much and had the best time. Another highlight was opening for Bella Rafflyn at The Tuning Fork with my backing band!

What makes Bored stand out for you as a single?

It’s deeply personal. I’ve written a few songs about the situation, but Bored was the one that felt the most honest and lyrically strong. Bored is about someone using a girl to get to the girl’s best friend. It explores themes of heartbreak and anger.

What’s your favourite moment, musical or lyrical, of the single?

My favourite lyric off Bored is in the second verse: “You go on about God, but brag about your sins.”

Who did you record/produce the single with? 

I wrote the song in about 45 minutes, alone in my room, then co-produced the track with Eli Le Fevre as engineer and producer. All the instruments were recorded and produced in my living room! The vocals were recorded with Andrew Isdale at his home studio. Andrew also mixed and mastered the track.

What would you like listeners to take away from the song?

I aim to share my thoughts and experiences through music and evoke emotion in listeners. I hope this song resonates with people, even if they don’t directly relate to the story.

How do you generally work out what song would make a good single?

When you first start releasing music, pretty much everything is a single. But now that I have a backlog of songs, I’m starting to think about what would make the best single versus what might be better for an EP later on. I consider what’s catchy, marketable, and suitable for a music video. But ultimately, I base my releases on what resonates most with me at the time and the feedback I get from friends and fans who see my shows.

Anyone else in your team?

It’s mainly me, Eli Le Fevre, and Andrew Isdale. But I’m starting to work with other producers and artists, and I’m also getting support from Rockquest! Waave, my distributor, is helping with guidance and opportunities, including Write Nights, which is amazing. And, of course, my mum helps with everything on the management side – that’s a lot!

Are there any other musical endeavours you’re working on that we should keep an eye out for? 

Yes! Carry Me Home From the Car and Only Girl will be released in November by Play It Strange on their Peace Song and Lion Foundation albums. Those are my next releases. I’ll have another song recorded by Rockquest and a music video – haven’t decided which song yet! I’m also planning to release more tracks next year, but in the meantime, check out my other projects, Fan Club and Parkdale.

Can you please name three other local tunes that would fit well on a playlist alongside your song. 

  • Molly Payton: Asphalt
  • Park Rd: Hey, Hello
  • Frankie Venter: Work It Out

Have any previous NZOA applications not gained funding or been included on NewTracks? 

I haven’t yet applied for any NZ On Air funding as Emerson, as Bored was my first NewTracks submission. But Fan Club hasn’t always been successful, so my advice is to just keep trying. You never know what people will like.

Was there an NZOA criterion you struggled with in the application? 

I’m still working towards meeting all the criteria before applying for single funding. But many of the criteria are actually really great goals for artists starting out, like releasing and promoting a song or performing live on radio. I recently reached out to 95bFM and they’ve booked me on Fancy New Band for November!

Are there any musical blogs, Youtube channels or podcasts you’re super into?

I really like Tahi FM and Only Scott podcasts. They are awesome with getting local musos on their shows, including my own!

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