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New Zealand School of Music – Te Kōkī



Main programmes: BACHELOR OF MUSIC, BACHELOR OF ARTS (Music Major)

Duration: Three years full time

Entry criteria: University Entrance, with audition for performance majors (or Master of Music Therapy).

Emphasis: Students may major in one of: Instrumental/Vocal Composition (optional specialisation in film scoring), Sonic Art & Music Technology; Jazz Performance; Classical Performance; Music Studies (specialising in musicology, ethnomusicology, jazz, or without specialisation). Minors in Composition, Music Technology, Performance, and Popular Music Studies.

Facilities: A variety of performance venues including Studio 310 and the Adam Concert Room on the Kelburn campus; practice/ rehearsal rooms with after-hours access; recording studios suitable for recording to a professional standard; keyboard labs for individual practice and musicianship training; Javanese and Balinese gamelan; electronic music studios and music technology lab.

Lecturers and artist teachers: For profiles see: www.wgtn.ac.nz/nzsm/about/staff

Career prospects: You’ll graduate with the skills to become a performer, composer, arranger, music editor, sound artist, programmer, radio producer, sound designer or teacher. Careers range across other industries such as film, theatre, social research, communications, arts and culture administration, events management, finance and law.

Prominent graduates: Members of The Black Seeds, Drax Project, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Phoenix Foundation; Joel Shadbolt (L.A.B.), Myele Manzanza, Jeff Henderson, Simon O’Neill, Isabella Moore, Madeleine Pierard, Julia Joyce; composers Salina Fisher, John Psathas, Gareth Farr and Gemma Peacocke.


Auditions (for performance courses): Auditions for both Classical Performance and Jazz Programmes will take place in late August (main audition period) and October. Earlier or later auditions might be possible. 

Email: music@vuw.ac.nz

Website: www.wgtn.ac.nz/nzsm



Other programmes: Bachelor of Music (Honours), Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice), Master of Music, Master of Musical Arts, Master of Music Therapy, Graduate Diploma in Music, Postgraduate Diploma in Music, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Musical Arts, PhD in Music.

NB: A range of open entry courses in Music Studies, Composition and Performance can be taken by students enrolled in other degrees. Many of these are open entry (no prior musical expertise required) or by audition (large ensemble performance ie: orchestra, big band etc.)

New Zealand School of Music – Te Kōkī, at Victoria University of Wellington

Email: music@vuw.ac.nz

Phone: (04) 463 5369

Website: www.wgtn.ac.nz/nzsm