My full title for this Finding Your Voice column is 'Technique Almighty: 25 Manifestations Of Universal Spiritual Principles ...
READ MORE >05/11/2013
When I first heard Nobody Else back in 1988 I assumed that like the Tex Pistol hit, Game of Love, the previous year, it was ...
READ MORE >03/11/2013
For most musicians, the road to a viable career is gradual, not instantaneous. You get there by baby steps, by continued ...
READ MORE >03/11/2013
There has recently been a flurry of upgrades for DAWs and associated software. Generally my first reaction to an update is, ...
READ MORE >29/10/2013
Legal disputes have long been a part of the music industry and the words of one famous song "send lawyers, guns and money," ...
READ MORE >29/10/2013
Before I get into this lesson I would like to congratulate Richard and the team at NZM, along with all the past contributors, ...
READ MORE >06/09/2013
Throughout this series of articles I've mostly focused on self-management strategies and techniques that include the whole ...
READ MORE >06/09/2013
We're often way too negative, judgemental and overly critical of our voices and creative output. So, this column is about ...
READ MORE >28/08/2013
When learning any musical instrument a major part of what you do is to learn how to finger and hear intervals. It’s no ...