Reviewed by Manuela Ovalle

Gibbee The Visionary: Chiaroscuro

Reviewed by Manuela Ovalle

Gibbee The Visionary: Chiaroscuro

‘Chiaroscuro’ is an album that looks to broaden the definition of hip hop. Through the unlikely pairing of peaceful meditative soundscapes and the treble-heavy hi-hats of trap music, North Shore artist Gibbee the Visionary shares his personal journey to maintaining a balanced mind.

Contrasts are constantly being explored throughout, reflecting Gibbee’s interest in the “light and dark forces that dwell within us.”

Every time you can hear a sound, another with an opposite quality is there to challenge the first.

This echoes Gibbee’s intention of synthesising different sounds and influences to give a multifaceted view on everyday life.

The track Time-go-by is a perfect example.

Motivation and optimism line each of these songs.

Listening to the album it is evident that Gibbee is writing from an honest perspective, he creates art that is for artists and visionaries.

He truly wants to inspire others and share the importance of working hard and searching for a healthy, balanced mind.

“Just ride the wave, you’ll be okay,” although life can be tough, Gibbee reminds us that it is possible to get through difficult situations in the track Ridethewav.

The album gives a window into the struggles that Gibbee faces having to juggle both day job and a music career.

There are a couple of collaborations, with artist Zap featuring in Long-White-Cloud and Samphonix in Lord Rutherford, but it was entirely written, produced and recorded by Gibbee the Visionary.

This helps us know that his message of working hard to achieve goals is not just something he preaches, but acts upon as well. 

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