


Reviewed by Briar Lawry

Frankie Snake Hands: Sour Cream Is An Underrated Condiment EP

Reviewed by Briar Lawry

Frankie Snake Hands: Sour Cream Is An Underrated Condiment EP

‘Sour Cream Is An Underrated Condiment’ may be my record title of the year. The MAINZ music students’ band music may not be for the faint-heated, but if you’re game for a bit of cursing and corporate finger-pointing then Frankie Snake Hands provide a delightful, often raucous time. There’s some serious power behind all elements of the instrumentation – drums, guitar and bass meld well and the frequently shouted vocals manage to keep pace with the frenetic sound. The six-track EP is bookended with Auckland and Auckland Transport, both of which have plenty to say about the city and its foibles. There’s a self-awareness that keeps things fun. The EP opens with drummer Curtis yelling, “Are you ready to rock?! We’re Frankie Snake Hands and this one’s for all the cute ladies out there!?” Average Guy pairs bland hobbies with ramped up sex and drug references, in a tongue-in-cheek look at masculine culture – sung by a female. Second-to-last track Sebastian is a standout. A killer bass line supports a song made up of nonsense Spanish: “Mi abuela, mi escuela, tu eres una aspiradora”, for example, translates as “My grandmother, my school, you are a vacuum cleaner.” It adds extra fun to the record, with the same slick skills.

Sour Cream is an Underrated Condiment EP by Frankie Snake Hands

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