


by Silke Hartung

Stefani Rose: Video Games

by Silke Hartung

Stefani Rose: Video Games

Newcomer Stefani Rose from Blenheim doesn’t only create gorgeous, exhuberant electronica tunes, but also has her head firmly on her shoulders, managing herself with a wit and focus beyond her young age. This is music video for her debut single Video Games; a full album is planned for mid 2017.

What got you started with music and how old were you?

I’ve always been into music even as a little baby. My mum loves to tell my friends little stories of me as a kid listening to the records we own, always dancing to the radio. But I got involved when I was roughly 5-6 when my teacher let me make a song on GarageBand. But I wrote my full first track when I was 11 and it was called Play That Song.

What kind of music were you surrounded by when growing up?

Growing up it was whatever was in the top 40, so a lot of pop. Now I surround myself around so many different kinds of music, at the moment I’m really in love with artists like Tame Impala, Lady Gaga or underground stuff.

What does your studio set up look like, what gear and software do you use?

I have one midi keyboard for lead synth, it is a Samson , one microphone that I record demos for other people with, and the rest is on my laptop. I also use FL Studio and Audacity. I like using really retro synthesizer plug in’s – free and legal of course 😉

Your tunes have this beautiful flow and radiate positivity – they make me curious: How do you think your music reflects on who you are as person?

Oh gosh! Well, uhh. I’m quite a emotional person and I actually deal with mental stability issues, so to be writing happy dance tracks is very ironic actually.

I will say my music has really made an impact on me. For me – making music is fun and the vibes and feelings and emotions you get from my music is more of a way to create an escapism.

I’ve always wanted to have music that inspires others as much as music has inspired me. I want people to be able they feel like they belong she they can be happy. I put these meaningful stories into the music but then I sugarcoat it with pretty pop music. This way people can dance and relate to the music I guess.

You’re self-managed – how did you learn to deal with publishing your music online and all the other nitty gritty of releasing music?

Well – I believe that if there’s something that you want in this world then you need to work for it. I am very independent and I like doing stuff by myself and getting it done on my own I guess.

Your video is totally DIY – what inspired your visuals?

I’m very DIY. I make all the music and artwork and visuals that I present. This comes back to talking about being independent. I love the connection that people can make to art that they create. It’s so special and I love it.