Having been a huge Trinity Roots fan, and fan of other endeavours Warren Maxwell has put his talent to I was really excited ...
READ MORE >17/02/2015
Hotboxed Treehut have a great solid sound and as a group display realistic perspectives and laudable work ethic. They understand ...
READ MORE >17/12/2014
Riding high on the back of a series of nation-wide musical victories, including taking out the national championship at the ...
READ MORE >Within just a few months after they formed in late 2011, Dunedin band Summer Thieves were supporting hip hop royalty De La ...
READ MORE >20/10/2014
In a genre dominated by male artists, 18-year-old reggae-roots artist Majic Paora has been logging one success after the ...
READ MORE >05/09/2014
The first thing the band formerly known as Fin Raziel wants you to know is that they are Fin Rah Zel now. The table rings ...
READ MORE >09/07/2014
With its smooth vocals and reggae-lite beats, Jayson Norris’ five-track EP is one I feel I have heard before. It’s a ...
READ MORE >28/06/2014
Like the members of (now-defunct) The Screaming Orgasms, Moisty Atsushi is a Japanese musician who lives in NZ and is deeply ...
READ MORE >21/04/2014
Strangely Arousing are a five-piece reggae/ska act hailing, originally, from Rotorua. With three of them now studying jazz ...