If you play live and are an APRA member you can now submit Performance Reports year-round, and get paid for those gigs in ...
READ MORE >31/01/2020
Managing your band, part 3: Paying yourself. Thus far in this series, I’ve discussed the need for a band to have a manager ...
READ MORE >22/08/2019
Since the release of an article by US musician Adam Schatz on Talkhouse.com on August 14, Sofar Sounds has been very much ...
READ MORE >12/07/2017
Are you based in Hamilton or the Waikato, a musician, manager, or simply curious about the music industry? A seminar called ...
READ MORE >13/06/2017
APRA just sent out a reminder that it's time to enter your Live Performance Reports. If you have been performing music ...
READ MORE >09/09/2015
There's a natural enough tendency for young musicians to be rather awed and thankful for whatever performance opportunities ...