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2021 Pacific Music Awards To Be Online Show

2021 Pacific Music Awards To Be Online Show

Due to the ongoing Alert Level restrictions, the Pacific Music Awards Trust has decided to forgo a live event for the 2021 Pacific Music Awards, opting instead for the surety of an online awards ceremony scheduled to air November 6.

It’s a further setback for the annual awards. Near the start of the nation’s move into Alert Level 4, the PMA Trust announced postponement by a month of the 2021 event, originally scheduled for September 1, noting that the format of the rescheduled event would remain subject to alert levels at that time.

This year’s winners will now be celebrated in an online awards ceremony on Saturday 6 November, to be screened by Tagata Pasifika on TP+ at 7pm. The show will be pre-recorded and include performances from a number of finalists. 

“The Pacific Music Awards Trust extends their alofa to Aotearoa. We are thinking of the saogalemu (safety) and manuia (wellbeing) of our communities and share our support during this time,” says Trust spokesperson Rev Mua Strickson-Pua. “We acknowledge the historic moment, the hard work of everyone involved and this opportunity to comfort, empower, and affirm our community.  

“Despite the challenges we face with COVID-19 and the current Alert Level conditions, we will strive forward and are excited to put on an awesome awards event, to celebrate the Pacific music community.  We hope you will join us from the comfort of your own bubble.  

“We encourage everyone to stay safe, look after your loved ones, your families and be kind to each other. Together we are keeping to our tikanga and fa’avae, with wairua and alofa.”

He further noted that, should Auckland’s Alert Level 3 status is extended into November, the Pacific Music Awards Trust will consider a new plan for the event which had its debut at Pasifika Festival in March 2005.