Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Maple Syrup: Who Is Maple Syrup

Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Maple Syrup: Who Is Maple Syrup

Wellington’s Maple Syrup are on a roll. 14 months after releasing debut EP ‘Ace and Gab’s Honeymoon’ the four-piece now have the first album.

‘Who Is Maple Syrup’ proves an extension on their earlier work, with a slightly broader indie punk/rock’n’roll sound. Guitar hooks throughout provide the album with more of a pop sound than first thought, but it’s thrashy pop with a bite.

The songs aren’t often complex but the straightforward approach packs an aural wallop, and hooky melodies and guitar lines sweeten the sound – just listen to Keep Me Sane (Nobody Cares) and try not to hum along.

Isla-Mae is an interesting one, a song where the more melodic, ringing verses seem to be aiming for classic AOR rock, before a brash, hooky chorus brings it all back together.

The ramshackle Vogue Model is wry, fun and infectious, but in no way frothy.

Garage rock in the literal sense – the album was recorded over a weekend in a garage – this holds firmly to their indie rock template with little deviation. While a slightly less dense production style would not go astray, Maple Syrup have made a loud, spontaneous album that would easily fill a dance floor.

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