Reviewed by Jesse Austin

To The Birds: November Meteors

Reviewed by Jesse Austin

To The Birds: November Meteors

With the increasing amount of ready technology that surrounds us it’s not often that you find someone who takes a step back to earlier years. Andrew Beszant (To The Birds) has done just that with ‘November Meteors’, making the decision to record and mix to tape in Auckland’s Earwig Studios. While the album begins with dash of indie pop on Lucky Penny, the whole feel tends to be centred towards folk. Bearing this in mind, Beszant does not fear taking inspiration from other areas of music. You Gotta Love Me Now has various time signature changes every now and then in the verses, Red Eyes‘ vocal line has clear jazz influences and Hole In The Wall is To The Birds‘ attempt at going instrumental. While it doesn’t feature many super catchy hooks, it is a refreshing folk-oriented album, with many influences from other styles of music to keep it interesting.

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