Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Full Code: Telescapes

Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Full Code: Telescapes

Full Code are a band out of time. Their sound, the way they present themselves… it’s early 2000’s bands like Filter, and a host of others that sparked then.

Recorded at Sing Sing South Studios in Melbourne, where they live, the CD has no mention of any online connection points – pretty unusual in this day and age – but maybe that’s the point. They’ve supplied a very competent album along the lines of hardcore electronic rock ’n roll, with the odd influence of pop, or drum & bass, or… in short they are totally doing their own thing.

The band comprises singer Steve Berry, Gene Carroll on drums, Greg Geeves playing guitar and Issac Paurini on bass. Their 8-track album has great artwork, by Neil Reed, and a seriously moody alternative pop/electronic feel. Along with the Filter vibe there are hints of Deftones, Tool… and you can add glimpses of Verve, Muse, Evermore, and a bunch of bands from a decade ago I can’t put my finger on just now. It is out of time in terms of current ‘trends’, but still this is an album worth investigating.