Reviewed by Stu Edwards

Devilskin: Be Like The River

Reviewed by Stu Edwards

Devilskin: Be Like The River

Following up the extreme success of a platinum debut album, any band needs to come up with quality songs for ‘that difficult second album’ in order to solidify a legacy. ‘Be Like The River’ does exactly that. Two years on from the release of ‘We Rise’, Devilskins growth as a band and the confidence in their craft is palpable. Pray and F.Y.I highlight the power of the band’s collective songwriting approach. Mountains provided fans with a single between albums and its inclusion here completes the picture of the band’s journey up to this point. Believe In Me and Voices are epic slices of power metal, while In Black and House 13 expose the darker underbelly of the band’s riff writing that make them unique. With two bonus tracks on the CD version, the inclusion of crowd favourite We Rise is welcome. Vocalist Jennie Skulander’s performance cements her reputation as a powerhouse, both live and in the studio. Producer Clint Murphy deservedly remains in front of the console and helps ensure the translation from live arena to record retains the power and energy this band are renowned for. ‘Be Like The River’ will surely cement itself as another element of Devilskin’s self-perpetuating success.

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