Reviewed by Sammy Jay Dawson

Armed In Advance: Change/Evolve

Reviewed by Sammy Jay Dawson

Armed In Advance: Change/Evolve

Formerly known as Stitches, Auckland trio Armed In Advance’s debut album adds a new coat of polish, toning down the fuzzy brilliance of their previous ‘Stitches EP’. Clawing their way amongst the top of the modern pop/hard rock wave by mixing nu-metal, punk-pop and post-grunge, this independent release is impressively well produced. Contrary to its title though, ‘Change/Evolve’ does little to change or evolve rock music stereotypes from the mid-2000s. Whilst tracks such as Running You Down and Stay are certainly catchy, the record as a whole feels at times as though the band is playing it safe. Recorded by James Alexander Boyd and Zorran Mendonsa, JP Carroll (vocals, guitar), Hugh Hokopaura (bass), and Ryan Thomas (drums), created something truly special on their earlier EP, but fall shy of capturing the same intensity, creativity and magic here. While the musicianship is tight, the record begs for a rawer approach. There are great songs here, screaming to break through the over-done production. Consider this a band still perfecting their art.

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