Phantom’s Musicians of Aotearoa 2019

Images by Hayley Theyers

Phantom’s Musicians of Aotearoa 2019

Each NZ Music Month of recent years, Phantom Billstickers have brought striking portraits of local musicians taken by Auckland photographer Hayley Theyers to walls and fences nationwide. We’re pleased to feature the full collection of Musicians Of Aotearoa 2019 here.

With Phantom looking after the postering side of things, Theyers has made it her mission to take photographs of some of our best but maybe not best-known musicians. She visits them in their homes, studios and neighbourhoods, capturing portrait images that linger. This years’ series reveals another bunch of artists we should all (get to) know.

Jon McLeary 
Anita Clark 
Ary Jansen 
Chris Heazlewood 
Francisca Griffin 
Graeme Humphreys 
Joanne Billesdon and Sharon Saab 
John Segovia 
Nadia Reid 
Violet French
John Halvorsen
Alistair Galbraith 
Lucinda King 

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