Let’s hit the ground running and discuss the ‘energy’ required when singing – which kind and how much. There are ...
Over the last few issues we have looked at some simple scales and arpeggios, as well as some harmonics and a little elementary ...
So let's say youre a first-time band member, and as this series has been unfolding over the past five issues, you've ...
When you win six Tui at the NZ Music Awards you must be doing something right. The Six60 album is huge, their live shows ...
Just as a facemask can hide the identity of its wearer, so can a sound wave hide the identity of another. Masking is a psycho-acoustic ...
There are an increasing number of small independent record labels emerging that represent perhaps only one or two artists. ...
The minor pentatonic scale is a favourite scale for rock guitarists to get ideas for soloing, with the Blues scale being ...
And the Oscar goes to… our Bret McKenzie! The boys from Flight of the Conchords are used to receiving high accolades, and ...
Developing your chops: Last issue covered the basics of being a dependable, righteous band musician if you're just starting ...