


Applications Open For SongHubs Waikato 2023

Applications Open For SongHubs Waikato 2023

APRA AMCOS NZ have opened applications for SongHubs Waikato 2023, a week-long songwriting camp to be held in Whaingaroa Raglan this October/November.

SongHubs Waikato will be a live-in songwriting retreat curated by Devilskin‘s frontwoman Jennie Skulander. Jennie will select the songwriters and producers to attend, and invite special guest writers to assist in the sessions. Each songwriter will get the opportunity to be a lead songwriter and will work with different artists across the week.

There are 12 positions open for SongHubs Waikato 2023: eight for songwriters and four positions for producers.

Applications close September 12, and you can apply here.

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