Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Ladyhawke: Time Flies

Reviewed by Amanda Mills

Ladyhawke: Time Flies

‘Time Flies’ is an appropriate title for this very welcome new Ladyhawke album. Over the five years since her last album ‘Wild Things,’ Ladyhawke (Pip Brown) has had a rollercoaster ride in her personal life, among which she’s apparently found freedom in a new songwriting approach of not overthinking things.

As a result ‘Time Flies’ is the sonically lightest, hook-filled Ladyhawke album since her 2007 debut album, and rhythmically catchy single Think About You is shaping up to become another of her signature songs.

Her last few albums have shown diversity, but Brown remains excellent at crafting smart contemporary dance-pop. This has a deeper resonance with her personal experiences filtering through the lyrics. The mix of dancefloor dynamics and the heavier guitar-rock strike a good balance – the banging rock of Guilty Love (the duet with Georgia Nott from Broods) contrasts well with the cool pop of Reactor, and delicate, emotive ballads like Love Is Blind and Alan.

Love Is Blind in particular slows the album right down with pulsing synths and echoing vocals. ‘Time Flies’ feels aimed for global pop success, the polished, radio-friendly sound hits the right buttons of contemporary pop. That shouldn’t surprise since the album was produced by Ladyhawke and a bevy of recognised producers in Tommy English, Josh Fountain, Jeremy Toy, Chris Stracey and Jono Sloan.

It feels unfair to call ‘Time Flies’ a return to form – Brown has previously always been ‘on form’! It’s more perhaps that ‘Time Flies’ continually hits a high mark in terms of uplifting hook-rich dance-pop songs, and in 2021 is a welcome return from one of our more intriguing, internationally successful and wildly talented musicians.