


Reviewed by Bing Turkby

Mister Unit: The Giddy Heights of Mediocrity EP

Reviewed by Bing Turkby

Mister Unit: The Giddy Heights of Mediocrity EP

Grab a dictionary, look up ‘plethora’, and you’ll find the definition: ‘the number of guitar players in Mister Unit’. They all mean business, in an old-school pub-rock way. There’s a dash of punk sensibility in the mix too, from barked BVs to big strummed chords with a lot of attitude.

Vocal duties are ably executed by Andrew, aka The Big Hairy Guy, with a voice that sounds like Ian Astbury crashing his car into Angry Anderson’s larynx, and that’s meant as a compliment. Add liberal doses of guitar solos, garnish with a driving bass and drums team, and you’ve got the recipe for classic bogan rock.

If there’s any criticism of the contents of this 4-song EP, it would be that the attitude and energy of the songs feels bigger than the final recorded sound somehow. Perhaps the low end needs a bit of beefing up. The kick drum in particular is presented rather dry and restrained, which is fine for a martini, but this is beer music. Then again, this might have been a conscious decision, to match the classic rock/punk tones that the band references, rather than a more modern production sound.

If you want a dose of good old-fashioned guitar music, Wellington’s Mister Unit is maybe just what the doctor ordered. It’s impossible to listen to this smartly-named EP without feeling like you’re at a backyard 21st birthday party full of black-jerseyed munters in Castlecliff in the 1980s – in the best possible way.

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