


by Joel Thomas

Does Auckland Need An Entertainment District?

by Joel Thomas

Does Auckland Need An Entertainment District?

Following noise control shutting down the Kings Arms Tavern, a group of interested parties within the NZ music industry has established the Auckland Live Music Community (ALMC).

“We’ve only got a little bit of time left, so for me, it’s not about the Kings Arms, it’s about the music industry in general […] There will be on-going problems,” says Kings Arms owner Maureen Gordon at the groups inaugural meeting.

As residencies continue popping up in central Auckland, venue owners have become more concerned about noise control affecting them. The long term goal of the ALMC is to find a compromise with the Auckland City Council to preserve live music as a culturally significant aspect of the central Auckland nightlife.

At this meeting, ALMC members highlighted a need to reach out to politicians, media and the public for support. The ideal outcome would be the creation of an entertainment district which allow the measured control of noise, as the ones in place in Sidney, Brisbane, Toronto and other places around the world.

There are plans for a rally hosted at the venue, hoping to start a conversation about the need for noise restriction changes in time for NZ Music Month.

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