


Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Indie Soull: Live At The Bitter End EP

Reviewed by Ania Glowacz

Indie Soull: Live At The Bitter End EP

Indie Soull is the chosen moniker of singer/songwriter Mutch Katsonga, a shortening of his previous band’s name The Indie Soul Movement that came together in London a few years ago. With five live tracks out of seven, and all over in 22 minutes, this is acoustic only, in the style of open mic style performances. Katsonga has a very beautiful ‘sweet’ voice. I agree with references to Michael Jackson, but would add ‘Faith’-era George Michael. Exposed, honest and with a point of difference, the sort of songs that will always resonate with some in the audience and leave an impression. Restless Clouds is presented in two versions, the studio version illustrating that Katsonga has all the skills needed to produce radio-worthy recordings. My main gripe is that this talented songwriter is selling himself short, these songs deserve fleshing out in the studio with a full band.