


Reviewed by Bing Turkby

Swamp Doctor: Pickles!

Reviewed by Bing Turkby

Swamp Doctor: Pickles!

Raucous fairground-style fun, in the vein of Mr Sterile Assembly. Just like the Assembly, Swamp Doctor may venture to very edge of experimentalism but only ever in service of the song. These are songs that are actually about something, not just a catchy chorus (though there are some of those too!) Subjects range from alien abductions to rampant consumerism, and the lyrics are very poetic. Exhibit A. ‘… and thus sticky time trickles thru me like a syrup.’ The great strength of a band like this is the sheer variety of musical ground they can cover, switching between male and female vocals, adding or subtracting instruments as they judge it necessary. And it could easily become a mess, but it doesn’t when the musicians have good hooks to hang the songs on. Recorded and mastered by Rohan Hill, with mixing done by drummer John Wilson, The Swamp Doctor has what you need.

Pickles by Swamp Doctor