


Reviewed by Chloe Cairncross

Sonic Delusion: Without Warning

Reviewed by Chloe Cairncross

Sonic Delusion: Without Warning

Sonic Delusion‘s third album is such an international-sounding cornucopia. The mandolins and funk suggest Latin America or Spain, but nope, boasting recent Kiwi citizenship frontman Andre Manella hails from Switzerland. Aided by a successful Kickstarter campaign Manella presents this dynamic outpouring, typically shaped by his solo looping efforts, accompanied by Missie Moffat and Severin Thiebaut.

One of the many images I get listening to this is of Paul Simon. We’re Starting Again and The Man Who Missed The Boat particularly conjure up the idea of world music, seeking inspiration from far-flung destinations. I think it’s also that none of the songs are solemn, catchy loops invite plenty of dancing and hip swaying. The 10 tracks are brilliantly crisp and filled with self-assurance. Bass lines go off in kooky directions in a bid to balance out the regularity of the guitar riffs. All in all, a very pleasant surprise, especially considering the album artwork appears to be of a blank, crumpled up sheet of paper.