


Reviewed by Jesse Austin

Nadia Reid: Listen To Formation, Look For The Signs

Reviewed by Jesse Austin

Nadia Reid: Listen To Formation, Look For The Signs

Behind her large framed glasses, Nadia Reid has a clever mind for carefully crafted folk songs. This debut album arrived in late November thanks to the 128 pledgers on NZ crowd funding site, PledgeMe. It’s a truly cohesive album, produced and recorded by Ben Edwards of The Sitting Room Studios in Lyttelton, which keeps stylistic integrity while also showing off a special skill for melody. From the hymn-like Runway to the held-back Some Are Lucky, this is one of the first albums, in a long time, that has truly tugged at my heartstrings. Nadia Reid’s soothing voice compliments her arrangements, as performed by Sam Taylor (guitar), Joe McCallum (percussion) and Richard Pickard (electric and double bass). Whether with a band or completely solo, I fail to see how Nadia Reid could not give an intimate performance. This is full of individually great songs that when put together create an album that undoubtedly provides a satisfying experience.